Friday, November 4, 2011

November Update: 2 1/2-3 yr old Class

November 1-4

This week we talked about families and how many family members we have and the letter F. Each student should know what sound F makes. The kids traced a letter F with a bingo stamp and sang the letter F song together. We are also trying to get all our alphabet letters right and in order in the ABC's. We are singing it several times a day.

November Update: 4-5yr old class

November 1-4

This week in class we learned about families. We drew pictures of our families to go in our "about me" books. In class the students were introduced to the letter F. Throughout the week, we learned what sound the letter F makes and how to write it. Each student should have brought their worksheet home (will send one home every Friday). We are also working on our ABC's and learning how to put the letters in order without a cheat sheet. They are getting better and better each day! Usually I will pair each student up with a partner to get the alphabet done but today I had each child try by themselves. Everyone did a wonderful job!